Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Holiday Activity

The Memorial Day holiday weekend marks the beginning of the summer travel season for people across the nation. Last weekend, the Patrol and other law enforcement personnel from throughout the state worked to help ensure motorists reached their destinations safely. The Patrol’s preliminary figures from the holiday weekend activity are in, and for the Memorial Day 2010 holiday reporting period (6:00 p.m. Fri., May 28 until 11:59 p.m. Mon., May 31), the Patrol worked no fatality crashes on Kansas roads.

Over the holiday, troopers reported the following:
• Total Fatal Crashes 0
• Total Fatalities 0
• DUI-Related Crashes 4
• DUI-Related Fatalities 0
• DUI Arrests 43
• Speed Citations 1,336
• Speed Warnings 1,387
• Adult Seatbelt Citations 154
• Adult Seatbelt Warnings 104
• Teen Seatbelt Citations 7
• Teen Seatbelt Warnings 0
• Child Restraint Citations 57
• Child Restraint Warnings 8
• Motorists Assisted 1,280
This is KHP data only, not results for all law enforcement in the state.

Also during the holiday weekend, members of the Patrol participated in the Special Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP), sponsored by KDOT. The Memorial Day STEP campaign is the Click It or Ticket mobilization, with the principal focus being adult and teen seatbelt use, and child restraint. STEP campaigns are conducted during high-volume travel holidays in an effort to help reduce the number of impaired drivers on the roads, encourage safety restraint use, and promote safe driving habits.